Travel Resources
The National Park Service was created by an Act signed by President Woodrow Wilson on August 25,1916. Yellowstone National Park was established by an Act signed by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1,1872, as the Nation’s first national park. Here are several links to some of the parks you can visit on your Caravan Tour.
Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service website for the Grand Canyon.
Yellowstone National Park
National Park Service website for Yellowstone Park.
Yosemite National Park
National Park Service website for Yosemite Park.
Zion National Park
National Park Service website for Zion Park.
Bryce Canyon National Park
National Park Service website for Bryce Canyon Park.
Glacier National Park
National Park Service website for Glacier Park.
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
National Park Service website for the Little Bighorn Battlefield.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
National Park Service website for Mount Rushmore.
Crazy Horse Memorial
Official website for the Crazy Horse Memorial. The memorial is a non-profit undertaking, and receives no federal or state funding.
Fall Foliage: U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Forest Service for Fall Colors in the Eastern United States.
Norman Rockwell Museum
The Normal Rockwell Museum is dedicated to education and art appreciation inspired by the legacy of Normal Rockwell. The museum preserves, studies, and communicates to a worldwide audience the life, art, and spirit of Norman Rockwell within the field of illustration.
Mystic Seaport
Official website of this living history museum consisting of a village, ships, and 17 acres of exhibits depicting coastal life in New England during the 19th century.
Parks Canada
National Parks are a country-wide system of representative natural areas of Canadian significance. National Parks have existed in Canada for well over a century.
Nova Scotia’s Official Tourism Website
Nova Scotia Department of Tourism, Culture, and Heritage, Halifax
and Nova Scotia.
Hopewell Rocks, New Brunswick
Hopewell Rocks on the Bay of Fundy, where tides often reach 40 feet, twice a day. Hopewell Rocks, also called Flower Pot Rocks, are rock formations caused by tidal erosion.
Costa Rica National Parks
The National System of Conservation Areas of Costa Rica is managed by MINAET, the Ministerio de Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones. Responding to the new policies of the MINAET, eleven Conservation Areas were established by this department in 1998 to oversee and manage the public lands of Costa Rica. These Conservation Areas are known as the Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservacion, or SINAC.
Panama Canal Authority
The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) is the entity of the Government of Panama established under Title XIV of the National Constitution with exclusive charge of the operation, administration, management,
preservation, maintenance, and modernization of the Canal, as well as its activities and related services, pursuant to legal and constitutional regulations in force, so that the Canal may operate in a safe, continuous, efficient, and profitable manner.